Thursday 23 May 2013

Pokemon X and Y

Pokemon X and Y is scheduled to release in October 2013! That's the great thing about Pokemon. The new regions and Pokemon just don't stop coming!
I was checking out the new Pokemon pre releases that Nintendo leaked. The three are Chespin for Grass, Froakie for Water, and Fennekin for Fire.
Among the three, Chespin is by far the sturdiest. He looks like a cross between a rodent and a chestnut (perhaps that's why the name).
Fennekin borders on the cliche. A fire fox? Come on! Kanto's had Vulpix and Ninetales, not to mention Flareon. And I hope that the final evolution isn't a fighting type, I'm really tired of that.
Froakie is interesting. I somehow feel drawn to him. Some say he's the result of a lack of inspiration but I think he'll hold up just fine.
I'm hoping that one of Chespin's or Froakie's (or both) final forms is a fighting type. Not only will that be new, it'll be downright awesome. Granted, we have guys like Poliwrath and Keldeo for Water/Fighting and Breloom and Virizion for Grass/Fighting, but no starter has been a Water/Fighting or Grass/Fighting. And Chespin and Froakie's final forms certainly look the part.

These are the most trustworthy of the various evolution pics that are making the rounds of the internet.