Thursday 7 November 2013

Kalos region starters

Hey guys! With the new region and games released, I have a lot to talk about, but I'm going to go about it step by step.
The first and the most important topic: starters.
While the overall designing and abilities of starters are fair enough, there are a couple of points to note: first, I'm just glad the final fire evolution isn't a fighting type. Second, the type matchups seen in the starters of Kalos are unique and very rarely seen.


This cute grass nut Pokemon is the choice of several enthusiasts. And might I add, albeit a few pitfalls, this one is worth consideration. It evolves into Quilladin, who received endless bashing for it's comical looks. But when the final evolution Chesnaught was released, all the critics were silent. Chesnaught has amazing offense and defense, but it lacks speed. It's special move is Spiky Shield

This fire fox Pokemon is another good one. It lacks defense, which it makes up with Special Attack and Speed. It evolves into Braixen and then Delphox, who is a Fire/Psychic Pokemon. This is only the second Pokemon of this combination since Victini.




If you've read my earlier posts, I said that I felt that Froakie will be my starter Pokemon. And I was right. It is by far my favorite Pokemon among the three. It has low Attack and Defense, but it makes up for it with high Special Attack and blinding Speed. It evolves into Frogadier. It's final evolution, Greninja is a Water/Dark type.



Now, the thing to note is that all starters have double weaknesses. For example, Grass is weak against Fire and Fighting is weak against Psychic, so Chesnaught would be totally destroyed by Delphox.
Similarly, Water beats Fire and Dark beats Psychic, so Greninja would beat Delphox with mundane ease.
Again, Grass beats Water and Fighting beats Dark, so Chesnaught would win against Greninja.

That's it for now! Stay tuned!

Thursday 23 May 2013

Pokemon X and Y

Pokemon X and Y is scheduled to release in October 2013! That's the great thing about Pokemon. The new regions and Pokemon just don't stop coming!
I was checking out the new Pokemon pre releases that Nintendo leaked. The three are Chespin for Grass, Froakie for Water, and Fennekin for Fire.
Among the three, Chespin is by far the sturdiest. He looks like a cross between a rodent and a chestnut (perhaps that's why the name).
Fennekin borders on the cliche. A fire fox? Come on! Kanto's had Vulpix and Ninetales, not to mention Flareon. And I hope that the final evolution isn't a fighting type, I'm really tired of that.
Froakie is interesting. I somehow feel drawn to him. Some say he's the result of a lack of inspiration but I think he'll hold up just fine.
I'm hoping that one of Chespin's or Froakie's (or both) final forms is a fighting type. Not only will that be new, it'll be downright awesome. Granted, we have guys like Poliwrath and Keldeo for Water/Fighting and Breloom and Virizion for Grass/Fighting, but no starter has been a Water/Fighting or Grass/Fighting. And Chespin and Froakie's final forms certainly look the part.

These are the most trustworthy of the various evolution pics that are making the rounds of the internet.